“If  you  want  to  tell  people  the  truth,  you’d  better  make  them  laugh  or  they’ll  kill  you”,  said George Bernard  Shaw,  not  long  before  he  died. Coincidence  or  was  he  just  not  funny?

Is it inn yet?

Is Stunt Cock funny? Well, you get to decide that. But it makes us laugh. It's got humour and sex all wrapped up in a perfect bundle of innuendo. By itself, though, it's shallow. Like FCUK, once you move past the initial chuckle, it's pretty vapid. So why would anyone, including us, give a toss about Stunt Cock?

A cock so big it needs its own horse

B.B. King said, "...women are God's greatest gift to the planet." Yep, we'll drink to that, mate. We're deeply in love with the greatest gift of his Noodliness, in all their magnificent shapes and origins: cis, trans, two-spirit, whatever. Your body, your bloody choice. YOUR BLOODY CHOICE.

So it pisses us off no end to see how horrendously women are treated. Way too many men perpetrate (or allow others to perpetrate) violence on women. Naturally we detest all forms of sexual harassment and violence. It has got to stop.

Olde but still erect

If we're going to help end the harassment and violence then we have to help men. Particularly the hollow men who believe that being masculine means being the antithesis of being feminine. Where did that bollocks begin? Why does it continue to be peddled?

It takes men to end the violence on women. It takes men to help men who are suffering in silence and thus spewing that silent pain on to others. And "others" is not just women: that hatred manifests in racism and bigotry towards a diverse group of "others," including other men.

And don't get us started on man's assault on mother nature. The bloody insanity of destroying the very thing that nurtures and feeds us.

Maybe somehow, in some small way, we can help open some minds, shift some thinking, while having a chuckle.

So that's the story and truth behind Stunt Cock. Let's hope they bloody laugh.


(seen here trying to get it up)

and the Stunt Cock team.

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All rights reserved.